What beautiful weather! The cold, snow, ice and rain of the winter are quickly fading now, to be replaced with glorious sunshine and warm weather.
Did 90 miles last Sunday. And for the first time I did a figuure of eight route, so I stopped at home half way round for a cup of tea and snack. Why the hell didn't I do that in the winter?!! Ok so it was hard getting home knowing I had to go out again, but equally the fact I was refuelled in comfort made a big difference. What a difference it would have made to do that in the winter, allowing a change of lcothes and warmth before going out again. Oh well!
This weekend was back to back 60s. Actually 65 miles on Saturday, 60 on Sunday. Interestingly, Saturday was a slog whilst Sunday (despite being out at a dinner party on Saturday night and drinking too much) felt like I was flying! Slightly sore knee at the end but I was going pretty quick so that's to be expected. I had my small commute into work this morning with no ill effects.
Only 3 more significant rides before Paris...
Nigel's Training Lore #10.
If you can design a figure of eight route it allows you to stop off at home half way round your ride which particularly in winter means you can warm up, change and go out again refuelled. It also means you're closer to home if you encounter any problems.
NICU GRADUATE: Silvana Quinn Smith
8 years ago
"Figure of eight circuit" -with a good dose of will power that's genius, wish I'd thought of it!
-and thanks for too for your comment.
It is one of those things where you think "why the hell didn't I think of that sooner?" isn't it?!
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