Sunday, 24 January 2010

Book review

I've just finished reading a great book which may be of interest. Discovery Road, by Tim Garratt and Andy Brown tells the story of their trip across the southern hemisphere continents of Australia, Africa and South America. It's a great read, with a very relaxed style taking the reader through the build up of the adventure (why a teacher and successful city boy felt the need to chuck it all in and go around the world on two wheels) and the trials and tribulations the encountered during the trip.

The book isn't just a list of countries successfully ticked off however, or a handbook for cycling geeks. The authors (who take in turns to narrate a chapter) discuss the history and background of the places they visit, describe the people they meet and combine it all with a sense of humour that keeps the story moving. What come across powerfully is the humility of the two riders. The ride was done for Practical Action, a charity involved with projects in Africa and Latin America (amongst other locations), and the lads did divert to go and visit one of the projects. They also see themselves as two ordinary guys who nevertheless did a very extraordinary thing.

The book is a great motivator to get you out and get some miles in, and also did a great job of summarizing the authors philosophy, which also sums up very nicely why it is that I and my wife continue to be active for Bliss...

In fairy tales there is always a call to action, the hero responds and overcomes all obstacles to bring benefit to him or herself and to the wider community. The dragon is killed, the town is saved, the Princess won.

This is your call to action.

I urge you to get out there in your world. Take responsibility for life. Take action. Have real experiences. Make lasting difference to at least one person. Create change. Kill the dragon.

Reprinted from Discovery Road, published by Eye Books. If I am not allowed to put that up here, please let me know and I will happily remove it.

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