Sunday 17 January 2010

Not again!

What a lovely day!

Clear blue back from the shop after its first service...wounds healing nicely...a weeks worth of commuting behind me to start me back to fitness...all set for a nice 30 miler to get things going again. 1 mile in, over a humpback bridge and BANG, sliding down the other side using my ahem, bottom as a brake. Again. It was so icy that I had to crawl to the pavement to even be able to stand up again. It's kind of funny now (although the wounds aren't), but as I was setting off again, two cyclists came the other way. I warned them, they went slowly, reached the top of the bridge and BANG, sliding down the other get the picture. They also couldn't stand up until crawling to the side.

The fun didn't end there. Not thinking what I was doing as I set off again, I went the wrong way and did an extra 6 miles! I did think it didn't look familiar. It was the 'no through road' sign that finally gave it away.

Back on the right road I was going along nicely, enjoying the scenery:

Great Chishill Windmill

...when coming down a hill a car pulled out in front of me without looking and I nearly ended up down again. I can't repeat the choice words I used! Finally got home bloodied and battered, but having completed the distance. One things for sure, I am earning every penny of sponsorship money I get! Yes, that is a hint...

Not all doom and gloom though. There were several positives to come out of today...

  1. I was back on my shiny bike for the first time since falling off
  2. I was back on my shiny bike for the first time since falling off again
  3. It was a really beautiful day with great views
  4. Getting lost put 6.5 miles onto the route and apart from the pain from falling off, actually felt really good, so I am in a better place than I thought after the recent lay offs. I will up the distance for next week

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